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After-sales service

Cummins INPOWER maintenance software

INPOWER software is a maintenance software introduced by Cummins for the whole machine, it can help the unit to read the hidden fault code, protect and reset the unit parameters, simulate the unit failure mode, eliminate the historical fault code and control system maintenance services。

Free software upgrade

On behalf of Cummins original factory, regular debugging, regular software upgrade, maintenance, etc., to ensure the integrity of the three components and the stability of the entire parallel system。

Cummins original spare parts and spare units

The company in Hohhot Jinchuan development Zone has nearly 10 million worth of spare parts and spare units, and all parts are Cummins original parts, and the spare unit power from 50KW-2000KW, can also provide customers with temporary power protection services。

Receive regular training from Cummins and have professional maintenance engineers

◆ Unit foundation and installation inspection
◆B series, C series, L series engine certification
◆PC1.×、PC2.xPC3.3 Generator set control system certification
◆K38/K50 engine service qualification
◆ Electronic control foundation and INPOWER certification, BETT&InPower Certified alternator foundation and maintenance certification
◆ATS basic certification
◆DMC certification
◆ Generator set application technology certification, the actual generator set should be provided for engineering certification
◆ Engine parts service qualification certification

Extensive maintenance site, professional maintenance vehicles

The company has a professional maintenance site in the North Second Ring Road, and has a professional maintenance vehicle, can provide customers with quality maintenance services。

Fault real-time response

The company has a perfect user information system,Can represent Cummins original factory for customer unit maintenance,7 * 24 hours service hotline 0471-6902315/15049189980/13734715712,,1 hour telephone response to customers,Arrive at the user site within 12 hours (within 30 minutes in the city), Troubleshoot within 24 hours,If the client holds a major event,Technicians are available 24 hours a day。

Free professional training

We can regularly provide customers with free knowledge training on the unit, so that customers can operate the equipment proficiently。

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Tel: 0471-6902315 (Inner Mongolia) 010-84727181 (Beijing)
Inner Mongolia Company Address: Room 1114, Building B, Yindu Building, 71 West University Road, Huimin District, Hohhot City
Beijing Address: Room 608, 6th Floor, Building 8, No.4 Wangjing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
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